Yes, we can! :D
We have a score estimator on our dashboard that will provide a score range based on the questions that you answer.
The score estimator works by comparing a student's performance on Magoosh questions and their score on the actual GRE. You can read more in this blog post about the development of our score predictor.
The estimated score changes as you answer more questions. It usually takes about 50 answered questions to see any change in the score range. This means the more questions you answer, the more improvement you'll see, and the more accurate your score estimate becomes.
When you go back and answer your incorrect questions, the estimated score on your Dashboard will improve (assuming you answer the questions correctly the 2nd time around). It's best to re-answer your incorrect questions with a bit of space in between, so you don't remember the answer exactly. Depending on how many questions you re-answer, this shouldn't affect your estimated score too much though (based on past student's predicted scores and real scores).
Once you answer over 150 questions in a section, you'll likely see little movement on the score predictor because it considers your overall percent correct and does not weight more recent answers. However, that doesn't mean you aren't improving!
If you want to see the most accurate, up-to-date estimate where you're at right now, we recommend taking a practice test using the "Take a practice test" link on the Dashboard just above the green Math and Verbal buttons. Your practice test score should be a better indicator of your current level since it accounts for testing stamina and time pressure.
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