It can seem like everywhere you turn you are being recommended another book or list that you have to buy. While some of the best quality resources do come at a price, we want to make sure you have access to as many free resources as possible!
Free Magoosh Resources
To complement our lesson videos and practice questions, we have a variety of free resources to help you during your ACT prep:
- Magoosh ACT eBook that has details about the exam, explanations of how to approach questions, and tons of practice.
- Magoosh ACT Flashcard App (for iOS, Android, and web) to help you study core concepts on the go.
- Math Formulas on the ACT PDF to keep all of the relevant formulas together in one handy reference.
- Our ACT blog is full of helpful tips, lessons, and advice that is updated frequently!
Free ACT Official Resources
Nothing beats the official stuff! There is not a lot of free ACT official material available, but definitely take advantage of what there is.
- Start with this explanatory guide and practice test. This link will always take you to the most updated version.
- On this page, if you scroll down about halfway, there are some additional practice sections organized by section type.
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